Friday was a rainy icky day - Oh - and I have to make a quick plug for October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I had to have a mammogram at Faxton - not one of my favorite things, but the techs, nurses and personnel there are very good at what they do and very professional. Everything that can be done to make it a more positive experience is done. I'm just glad it's only yearly.
That being said - I was also starting to feel sick on Friday - I put it to stress and allergies - but am finding that that's not the case. But it didn't stop me from going to Brenda's house for some crafting and girl time! But boy was I in for a surprise! I walked in the door with my scrapbook kit and supplies and found dinner and friends and cake waiting for me. I have fantastic friends. Brenda, Shelly and Debbie all worked together to put on a fantastic dinner! Of course we got to also celebrate Tim's birthday on the 8th (Debbie's husband) and Shelly and Paul's anniversary on the 8th too! So lots of things to celebrate.
It was beautiful Saturday. Period. Just one of those days that Central New York has that is just right!
It was also a busy day yesterday. The Toastmasters Area 8 contest took place at St. Luke's Hospital in the Allen Calder Conference room. We had a great turnout and even better than that we had 3 great evaluator contestants and 4 great humorous speech contestants. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Little did I know that fishing could be so stressful and dangerous to your health! Or that a manly man could feel embarrassed about drinking wine! Or that Peanut Butter almost cost an international incident! Or that fear should push us to try things not shy away! Congratulations to Troy Bishopp for winning the Evaluation Contest and to John Krzeminski for winning the Humorous speech contest. Their next step is Division Contest next Saturday in Liverpool.
After that was over I went home and convinced myself that I didn't have a cold - but more like allergies and if I ignored it, it would go away. Not! But - before it hit me broadside I had a wonderful day with my friend Kelly in Syracuse. We went shopping - and not just in one place, no - that would be silly! We hit Carousel (Lindt Chocolate, Caramel Popcorn and Borders Books), then the Christmas Tree Store, Fashion Bug, and Wegmans. And of course to fortify ourselves for all of this shopping we went to the Olive Garden for dinner! It was wonderful! We got home around 8 - I think I was in bed by 9:30!
I am lucky to have such great friends! My life is in a weird transition right now with my Mom moving to Texas part-time and I think that my friends are trying to make sure I stay busy! LOL, it's working.
Hopefully the weather and my health will cooperate next week and I'll be able to go for another bike ride.