Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Pictures

The purple flower above was the only color in the grass that was turning - it was just a perfect little flower...hiding.

This is the 'crick' as my mom calls it that runs under Stone House Road and behind my great grandparents house. The house and barn are not in the family any more - but they are both still standing.

This is the barn that my great-grandfather built. I didn't take pictures of the house because I didn't want to upset the new owners - it's pretty awesome.

My mom is not doing so well again - her blood pressure is all over the place. But about 2 weeks ago she was feeling pretty good and we went on a left turn right turn ride - knowing that we would eventually end up in the Cooperstown area. We did our trip on Bedbug Hill Road - which is a seasonal road and pretty fun! It was dusty this year - not so much rain - we've been on it when it's been a mud bogging road.

I hope to get blogging again more. My friend is coming in from California in a couple of weeks and we'll be eating all the foods that I mentioned in a previous post!


Mel- said...

Maybe you'll have to add me as a guest columnnist and I'll post food reviews! :-)

Unknown said...

I think that that can be arranged! :)