Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer, Summer, Summer

It has been one of the best, busiest, most lovely summers since childhood. It started out shaky (of course) with all of the rain and yucky weather that we have had, and I was working too much and got sick (shingles and upper respiratory infection). But now that I've dropped a lot of the hours - and spent a lot of time outside - I'm feeling tons better!

I did do the 40 mile Tour De Cure - a few minutes faster than last year - and three days into shingles and I didn't even know it! I knew something was wrong - but had no idea what it was - and in typical Michelle fashion I basically ignored it that day.

July fourth weekend we went camping up at Stillwater Reservoir. It was awesome! The weather was great - RB has a boat now - so we didn't have to borrow the his friends Ganoe (a very fun and interesting little boat, but RB's boat is a bit bigger and less apt to tip).  We set up our tent on the beach of a little island - we were with 3 other couples, they were up in the wooded area more but we had a beautiful view of the lake in it's glory.

This was the view from our tent - about 5 am - the sun was just coming up.

The first night we were there - trying out the boat - the fishing poles and relaxing - beautiful sunset - I took a LOT of pictures. 

For the last few weeks RB has been building a boat trailer - he amazes me with his talent. It turned out fantastic and "Speed Racer" ,as the boat has been dubbed, fits on it like it was born to be there!  Then he got his hands on a 9.5HP 1969 Evinrude motor and we've been out testing it - he's been doing a lot of work on it too. So the culmination of all of this is that we are going camping again this weekend. YEAH!!!!

I'm so thankful that God has put RB and all of my wonderful friends in my life. KS and I will get some time together next week - and see BH up at the Delta Lake Inn. 

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